
We had a lovely meal out last night with 4 friends, way too much food though, totally stuffed, couldnt even finish my wine!

My cold isnt too bad, the sore throat has all but gone, just feelin a bit "full up" as they say, hopefully nothing more than a standard head cold.

Slept over at our friends lush new bungalow, lovely underfloor heating throughout, was great when I got up to pop to the loo ;-)

B warned us about the wooden rocking chair in the corner of the bedroom, I even put the throw off the bed over the tip of the rocker, to make sure I avoided it in the night......pity I didn't do the same this morning!!

Tidied everything up, packed our overnight bag, was just waiting for hub to come back from the shower, so I could get in, saw my phone on the bedside table, turned to go get it ......and whack, oh my good god did it hurt, I wont tell you exactly what I uttered, but it wasnt good!! :-0

I could hardly get my shoe on, typically the ones I had worn were a narrow tapered shape.... and I was trying to disguise my hobble as I didnt want our hosts to know, as they would have felt bad!!

It has got steadily more purple as the day is progressing, not sure if its broken, even if it is, can't do anything about it, just got to grin and bear it....apologies to anyone who finds feet offensive btw, don't think mine are too bad?!

Tea tonight something light and easy.....pasta based I think!

Not going to do much for my walking total over the next few days I shouldn't think :-/

Days 11/12 = 3.2 miles
Year. = 36.8 miles

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