Dunaverty Lifeboat Slip

All the cold grey weather of late has done little to inspire a certain Kintyre blipper. However, today it was slightly brighter so Mrs B and I headed down to Southend for our lunch. There's a great wee tearoom there with a big open fire and we had it to ourselves for most of the time. Highly recommended if you are in the area.

After lunch we wrapped ourselves up well and went for a bracing walk along Dunaverty Beach, which we last visited in October. It was a case of walking briskly to keep warm, although I still found time to take a few blips. The old lifeboat station and slip at the end of the beach fascinates me as I am sure it has the making of a cracking blip. However, the light is never quite what I am looking for as was the case when I blipped it in October. Today there was still a lot of greyness about so I decided to shoot in black and white, which I haven't done a lot of preferring instead to convert to mono during editing.

It wasn't a day for hanging around looking for the perfect shot, more a case of composing a couple of quick shots before catching up with Mrs B who was now walking quickly back to the car. It was so cold my fingers were numb and I couldn't even feel the shutter release. It was a case of composing the shot and then looking up to make sure my finger was where it should be before blipping! Still, I was quite pleased with the result.

We continue to miss all the snow and have milder temperatures than most parts of the country. If only we could have a bright sunny day!

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