Painting in the freezing cold

These hands belong to my friend Mirek, from Poland, who earns his living painting watercolours. I was quite surprised to see him today painting and selling his paintings in the freezing cold. As I was talking to him on my way back home from work, it started to snow. He told me that only the fingers on his left hand were cold, the ones on his right hand were ok.

This shot was taken in the dark, but it somehow came out ok, and I didn't have to change many things, just a bit of light and contrast.

Work was fairly quiet. I'm so happy I'm off at the weekend, by the way! This first week of work after my holidays has been a bit tough. It will get easier next week, I guess. No more holidays until April, I'm afraid..

Looking forward to my weekend off!

Thanks very much for all your kind comments, well wishes and support for my auntie. I do really appreciate them! I hope you all have a great weekend! :)

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