Bristolwood and Beyond

By bristolwood


Upon coming upstairs to put some things away, I was rather astonished to find a flock of finches swaying on the "sock" outisde the window! Wow, these little birds were making such a commotion, I couldn't believe it! And, they absolutely messed the window up really well!

I am uncertain the identity of these dear little ones....perhaps House Finches? I say the word "dear" rather tongue in cheek as these little buggers were pecking away at one another as though afraid another bird might get a seed or two more than he or she!

Life has been annoying. Yes, busy! Too much to do and no time to get anything done to my liking! I will be backblipping photos as I have been out every day...I am thinking this journal should be renamed to reflect my cell phone as it seems I am taking more and more photos with it! (Yes, this was a nice break, using a real camera!!!!) It is so hard to carry the camera bag with me and then be disappointed because I cannot use the camera........yes, grumble, grumble, grumble.....

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