Baby feijoas

Just before Christmas both feijoa trees were covered in flowers. They reminded me of pohutukawa tree flowers. Now fruit is starting to form.

They receive a weekly dosing of liquid seaweed and I have high hopes that they'll fruit well.

My calf remains dodgy and my evening's plans were altered to accommodate Jasper and his second bird.

He didn't want to be locked outside with his (dead) birdie. Unable to fit through the sliver of open door, Jasper set about battering his locked cat door. Unfortunately he broke the manual locking part on the door and rushed back in.

Duly dispatched outside again and the cat door barricaded, I searched online for a cat door part. Sure Flap has an impressive online service. I answered a few questions and enteted the doors serial number.

On the basis of the answers I picked from a drop-down menu, the logic determined that I need a new manual lock mechanism. A new one will be sent to me at no cost. The confirmation email includes a link to a video to show me how to replace it. Very slick.

In the meantime I think my repair job on the cat door will last. The microchip part still works and Jasper can't get out from inside if I lock the door. It's just if he's outside and I lock it, he'll barge his way in and the manual mechanism will fall out. If he catches a bird or a skink, that's when I lock him out.

So much for thinking about getting a girl kitten. Tonight's carnage has put me right off.

Today's gratitude: For the fresh fruit and veges in the fridge and fruit bowl. It's such a lovely time of the year for both.

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