
By LifeLines


We woke to the first hard frost of the winter, and beautiful sunshine and blue skies.  Andy was off early to play golf so Merlin and I had a lazy start and then a long walk.  This big puddle in one of the fields was iced over.  We walked up to it and Merlin ate some of the ice - he seemed keen on it!  

On our way home we went via the allotment to see if there had been any wind damage from earlier in the week.  It wasn't too bad -  most things could be quickly put back into place and there appeared to be no lasting damage.  However, a large plastic water tank had blown from another allotment on to mine, so I had a bit of a job to haul it back to its rightful owner's plot.  

The rest of the day has been taken up with cleaning.  It's been a while since the house was given a thorough clean and with all the mud and dirt being brought in, especially by the dog, at this time of year, it really did need to be done.  So, now Andy is trying to warm his back which is feeling stiff and I am hoping that our curry (which he is cooking) won't be too long!  For now I think I will sit in front of the log burner with Merlin.  Hoping your day has been a good one.

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