Friday faves

A few years ago, a gentleman named Michael came up to my office, introduced himself and asked me to go to Malaysia with him and his wife and a bunch of guys from the Diocese. I’m glad he did. Not just because we got to go to Malaysia, but because it meant that I was able to develop a friendship with Michael. These days I only really see him at 7.30am on a Wednesday morning over a box of veg (he volunteers at the Food Hub) but today we invited him back to the office to help us to do some scheming. Involving maps. I adore this man and it was so uplifting to spend time and pray with him today.

Lunch club today was also wonderful. I’ve got a group of girls who are the kind of group that don’t necessarily always ‘fit in’ (aren’t they just the best kind) but they always stand up for one another, and it’s lovely to see.

A manic afternoon of planning and chatting and eating, with all three of us back in the office together for the first time since before Christmas.

A quick cycle home and then (because I am an absolute feeder) made dinner for neighbours John and Charlie who’ve just arrived home with brand new baby Samuel. I was intending to just drop and run but did end up having a sneaky peek at him. Super cute, obvs.

It’s been a good day. I love Fridays.

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