
By SmileyCharlie

The Tonecooks

The guitarist lost three strings in this concert - they were really going for it. All were very talented musicians, and the crowd were loving it (especially once the lead singer who had Brad Pitt vibes, took down his hair, much to the disappointment of my housemate Theo who recently shaved off his princely mane in our living room). 

The bassist behind the frontman knows Mario, which is how we came to be at the concert in the first place. Mario is extremely recognisable (think Captain Jack Sparrow, I'll do a portrait soon), and now only has to go to the supermarket to get invited to free techno parties. 

Afterwards, a really terrible Brazilian Maracatu percussion band played. Clearly no one has told then that they sound terrible and they were wailing away joyously with a racket of drumming and shaking. Everyone's eyes widened and flicked across the crowds expression. I have never experienced that before. "What do you think?" was whispered around before we left to the Cumbia and Merenge room. Rory was shazamming every single song the DJ played and we left into the snowy night with our faces painted with skulls and sunshine logos. 

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