Because this is who I am

By Brighde


When life gives you lemons, make them your best friend.

This is a snapshot and of mine and my darling Mandy or Lemon as I call her, were filming for my media project in Johns bathroom. As seedy as it sounds it was truly hilarious. From getting john to light candles because we didnt know how to use a lighter, too mandy caressing a wall too John seeing mandys kickers. It all happened very strangely, but non the less a step up in a friendship. Its only been 8 years.

Today was also good because I went shopping with my mum and got a whole load no one needed, like gold nail varnish and Johns valentines day card because im that prepared. We did have a good lunch though.

This snow is so cold and horrible, why cant it just be warm already? Bleh.

Happy Blipping.

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