A little fog

The Minx's advanced driving course, taking place at the same time that Dan is having driving lessons, has made me think a bit about driving skills. Alarmingly, it's thirty-six years since I passed my driving test, and since then I've not had to do anything to revise or demonstrate those skills apart from attending a speed awareness course a couple of years ago, which did, admittedly, teach me the proper definition of a dual carriageway. 

This morning it was a little misty, perhaps even foggy. I left Chorley hoping to be at work for twenty to nine but actually arrived at ten past. There were no roadworks, no accident, just lots of people not driving very well in what was not particularly limited visibility. 

I stopped at Forton services for a coffee to cheer myself up. 

-12.3 kgs
Reading: 'The Sound Of Tomorrow' by Mark Brend

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