
I have written off giving up drinking as undesirable. It's not just that it would impact my social life - e.g. my drinks at the Barn with Hugo after work, this afternoon - it's also that sometimes, as Simon pointed out when we discussed it a while back, a couple of drinks can take you somewhere different. It's not an argument I've seen made elsewhere. 

But, as I've said before, my problem is with moderation. I can have those couple of drinks but then I always have a couple more.

And then on Sunday, on a whim, I downloaded the Drinkaware app. It has a simple premise: you record everything you drink and it assesses what level of harm you're doing yourself, as well as the cost in calories and the equivalent run you'd have to do to burn them off. I'd have had to run for six hours to burn off what I drank last week, which was the same calorific intake as more than a dozen cheeseburgers!

I can't see this working for everyone but it could be tailor made for me. Just as getting on the scales every morning stops me deluding myself about eating, so I think this will work for me and drinking (not least because one of my few virtues is that I will be honest with myself and record everything, for better of worse). 

Of course, it's early days but I wanted to record when I started using it plus, although I didn't drink yesterday, the big win was Tuesday's afternoon and evening out: four social events, three in pubs, and I only had three glasses of wine!

-10.9 kgs
Reading: 'The Sound Of Tomorrow' by Mark Brend

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