The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Speedy Shower

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

The Youngest Mini Princess is ill and is off school. She has the mother of all colds and looks like she could be auditioning for a part in Interview with the Vampire. Except for the teeth. Her cold hasn’t made her grow fangs. Which is lucky, given that she’s vegan.

I asked if she had showered when I came home and she said she had. Quite indignantly. As if not showering was EVEN an option.

This is a far cry from eight year old YMP who felt that personal hygiene was nothing more than an inconvenience. She was sent upstairs to get clean one day. The shower was turned on and about 45 seconds later, it was turned back off.

EMP (always a girl for rules): YMP, did you actually get in the shower?

YMP: YES I did

EMP: Did you wash?

YMP: Washing is for the WEAK. Soap is for LOSERS

How times change. Now I’m lucky if she’s out within 45 minutes.


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