All is well in the State of Texas

This morning I must of felt it in my waters...I took my Go Pro to the's a rather wonderful little camera and the water proof casing is brilliant..... I often forget about it as the resolution from it is not that great......not bad but lets say everything gets a bit grainy when I play around with it.

Well as I was saying I felt it in my waters...Flynn had his first tumble from a wave and I was the one who was looking after him....and It didn't matter a toss if the camera got wet and I could perform my grandmotherly duties with my usual aplomb.......... all he really got was a couple of rolls, tumbles and a little splutter/ shock.............anyhoo I feel that it's a good thing that he learns a little respect for the power of that big blue wobbly thing we call the ocean.

Now I can be called Gorgeous Granny rather than Nasty Nanny and all is well in the state of Texas.

PS. Thank you for all those stars and hearts wonderful.
Earthdreamery pointed out that the horizon was a bit skew whiff .....I fixed it now.

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