
By Snowyjones

Hollyford river

Creek falls maybe, can’t quite remember what they were called but the most sublime colour of water yet. Didn’t do much today but saw lots of remarkable things starting at 4am. The good thing about sleeping in a car is that when you wake up in the middle of the night the stars are right there willing you to just open the door and stick your head out. What a sight! So many, so bright, and in such unfamiliar patterns with the Milky Way snaking from one end to the other. I wouldn’t have thought it was real if it had been a painting, I was, if you’ll pardon the expression, star struck! And then, along came a celestial midnight express train with all the lights on in it’s carriages chugging its way across the night sky followed by about 20 single lights all in a row. Lasted for about 2/3 minutes so plenty of time to pinch myself and check I wasn’t actually asleep. Have since been on google to see if anyone else saw it and yes they had and needless to say it seems likely it was a crazy multiple satellite thing that has been launched.
Set off to Milford Sound later on to see what all the fuss was about, strange journey around mountains and then through Homer tunnel after which you enter this weird world of misty stillness and total silence, not a breath of wind. Believe me when I say that this is in fact where the sandfly reigns supreme. You could tell before you even got out of the car on account of the flapping of people cueing for a parking ticket. They were even inside the ticket machine strolling around on the computer screen which was, perhaps, why it wasn’t working and why the cue was so long. Can imagine being out on a cruise around the fiord land would be an other worldly experience but not really my kind of a place, bit spooky and too many sandflies and too many tourists so I soon turned around.
Stopped at a few shouldn’t miss spots on my way back to Te Anau and the dizzy thing still seems to be happening. Not sure what it is but at least it wasn’t a fear of heights thing. Night in the hostel and some steak for dinner will sort me out.

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