"Investing in your future"

And so it's here. Horribly let down by the vanity projects of both Swinson and Corbyn, for the LibDems and Labour, respectively, we find ourselves, unnecessarily, on the brink of leaving the EU in the hands of an unrestrained narcissist liar who, whatever he says, shows by his actions that he'll happily lead us to a hard Brexit. 

What an absolute shitshow. 

In all my adult life, I never saw the EU put a foot wrong. Everything they did seemed to be for the common good, from the more obvious crowd-pleasing legislation around things like roaming charges and credit card charges, to the more obscure aspects of, say, employment law or cleaner beaches. 

And then there was all the funding that they did, investing in areas, like Cornwall, that were largely ignored by our own government. The day after the Brexit vote, in which Cornwall voted to leave the EU, its council contacted Whitehall to see if the government would match the funding. You can guess the answer. 

When I worked from home in the early noughties, I was spending £400 a month on ISDN lines before EU funding brought broadband to Kirkby Lonsdale. The EU was always a force for good. Truly, what are the arguments against the it?

So how have we got here? Some combination of the Tory party's internal politics, amplified by our mostly rightwing press, saw an issue - membership of the EU - that, five years ago didn't feature in any of the top ten lists of people's concerns, become the defining issue of our age. Where did all this vitriol and hatred come from? And who knew it was there to be tapped into?!

Anyway, not my last day as a European but my last day as an EU citizen. I'm gutted.

-9.6 kgs
Reading: 'The Sound Of Tomorrow' by Mark Brend

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