Double Shot Mummy


We've been here 6 months now!

It was very difficult to choose today's photo! I am becoming conscious of featuring one child more than the others. I am either going to not worry about it and accept that I am comfortable that I love them all equally, or go back and do a photo tally..... still deciding.

Here we have Oscar (Aka 'Ga'). As we do most days, we went to the park today. It was a beautiful day weather wise. The sun was out and it was a perfect 23 degrees with no wind.

I am getting good at putting Maple on my back now, but am still having a play to get it as comfortable as possible. I have always been so comfortable with a front carry. So while Maple was on my back, the twins played in the sand with their 'dinosaurs-rex's'. They hopped the dinosaurs around the climbing frame while counting to 20 and then threw them in the air!

Oscar is a deep thinker. He is becoming fearful of a few things lately, I am not sure why. It ranges from fluffy white bunnies to the wind to gigantic buckets of water falling on him at a water park.... I am worried about him and trying to help him not be afraid!

Tonight we were having pre-bedtime cuddles. We talked about our day as we often do and then I asked Oscar what he wanted to do tomorrow. He replied quite assertively: "Go Messy Play, hop in car seats, ride in the silver grey car, see Amber and Adam, go down waterside, shoulder ride on daddy!" So now our morning is planned, what ever will we do in the afternoon?

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