Procrastinator's judo

Ask any procrastinator and they will tell you that they'll get on with doing anything except what they know they ought be doing. 

I have had days working from home where I have eventually worked all evening to finish what I was supposed to be doing in the daytime. But all of the clothes washing will done, as will the tidying up, the hoovering, the sorting of cupboards, and all of the bins will be emptied. Everything done but the job at hand. 

But occasionally I can use that characteristic against itself and to my own advantage. Today, I had told myself that I would finish tidying the music room. Hardware boxes up in the loft, bureau sorted, music equipment - particularly cables and power supplies - organised. 

But there were some really dull jobs that I need to do for work that I've been putting off for weeks, so I used those as an excuse for not tidying the music room and got them all done! 


-10.5 kgs
Reading: 'The Sound Of Tomorrow' by Mark Brend

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