Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The abandoned ampersand

I keep finding strange things on the streets of Woking. Today it was an ampersand on a piece of cardboard, just lying there in the street. 

There must be a back story to that one; perhaps a teacher of typography dropped it en route to a training session and got halfway through before realising to their horror that they couldn’t demonstrate the shortest way to join two letters. Or maybe it was placed there deliberately by someone with a font fetish. Or a secret society is spelling out some ancient mystical  secret on the suburban streets, one character at a time.

The ampersand has an interesting history if you look on Wikipedia. As recently as the 19th century it was considered to be the 27th letter of the alphabet, and there was even a fake news story that said it derived from a certain electrical pioneer’s way of introducing an abbreviation into his papers ("ampere’s and").

My day was plagued by fatigue again but was otherwise okay. Had some very nice carrot cake in Brasilia Vegano and a pleasant evening of nosh and  kalooki.

TSM has one more day of radiotherapy and is then finished yippee! And I have tomorrow off to do personal stuff so the weekend starts here. Or should I say "and" the weekend starts here ... ?

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