
By Madchickenwoman


Day two of the kitchen renovation! Yesterday the Stove guy came round and talked wood burners and The Builder started opening up the fireplace. Come the afternoon The Singer walked past with Ginger ( he is the partner of Friends eldest daughter and lives next door to The Exile, they are walking her whilst she is at college) so I invited him in. The Builder knew him and promptly asked him if he'd like some work! He used to do building work when he lived in Bristol. At the point The Rubbish Man came by to collect all the stuff from the kitchen. I decided it was a good time to move the fishtanks with 3 strong men in the kitchen! The Rubbish Man is rather like Frazer from Dads Army whose catchphrase was "we're doomed!" and "Rubbish!" He told us how he saw a fishtanks bottom fall out as it was being moved! This made the others very nervous so I had to empty loads more water out and they used an old  work surface to carry it through on! 
So today The Singer continued exposing the fireplace - The Builder is really pleased with the state of it - it's amazing walking inside and looking up! The decision now is whether to leave the brickwork exposed or render /paint it! It's great seeing the original features of the kitchen - when the dado rail was removed it exposed the original paintwork - a sludgy green with black markings that seem to have printed over it! 
Oscar is loving all the people in the house and is getting involved where he can! It's very dusty with all that is being removed from the fireplace, so I put a mask on him! He has been inspecting the fireplace and obviously thinks he deserves the builders snacks! His favourite part of the day was being windblown by the industrial hoover! 
Meanwhile I'm getting used to collecting everything I need from the craft room to cook my meals and using the cooker not only to cook but as my preparation area! The fridge is now in my hallway and the freezer in my conservatory! My wonderful night storage heater has gone so no heating   apart from the oil filled radiator in my front room! The Singer and Rubbish man took the bricks up to my allotment so it will continue to live on with a different purpose! It's going to be an interesting month! I have made a Flickr album to record all the various parts of the transformation!

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