Rees Crofthoose

A misty morning with light showers.  It slowly got better as the day went on, even a bit of sunshine.  A fine evening tonight.

Another day working on the museum desk, and an early start with Historic Scotland in again.  We also had a school visit first thing.  A really quiet afternoon.  Some walkies with Sammy this evening, but mostly been busy deep cleaning the bedroom, and even managed to get it painted.  Finally got feet up by the fire. 

It was raining when I went for lunch, and headed out of town, were it was dry, and managed a walk.  I've watched this old croft house fall into disrepair over the years, but not been this close since I was last along visiting Adie.  The roof collapsed in 2017, and a while back the north chimney toppled in.  Taken at Rees croft, Quarff.  

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