kitty yoga...
...demonstrated by the princess diva
meep - meep...did you know stretching is good for you
ummm... yes, gracie
meow... and if you do it like with yoga stretches, in warm temperatures - it's really good for your body? meep - meep...
huh - princess... it sounds like you've been reading your kitty times again...
meow - meow... i don't know what you have against the "kitty times", mama - it's a very informative journalistic piece of reading material - meep... i have learned a lot of important kitty health news from it
i have no doubt, grace - sigh...
meep - meep... it's true - the article i just finished about yoga poses (i'm doing #54 here) mentioned as we get older our muscles shorten - therefore it's important for us to continue to lengthen them by stretching - yoga is a good form to follow - meow... cats love to stretch... if you keep them warm (the muscles), like i'm doing here in the sun - it makes it easier - plus more enjoyable... you know how i like my sunbeams, mama - meep...
that i do, princess diva - you don't even share the beams with me... i admit to agreeing with that article, too, being warm as well - i believe it's important as we all get older - and even if we're not old - to get our exercise - to stay in shape if we can... it's good for the body - great for the soul - wonderful for the brain, too - in fact - all around - it makes for...
happy day.....
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