midwife crisis

By lulubelle

happy expectations

Hubs and Yola at check in Cork Airport, all smiles and expectations....ha ha.
After 5 hours of delays the flight was finally cancelled and we were at the back of the queue for rebooking on the next available flight.
Kerry rescued us from the airport in his little Ka (4 people plus 60kg of luggage pilled high to the ceiling) - probably considered quite roomy if we were traveling in India!
So we had an unexpected night in with old house mates in Cork and are booked onto the 18.35 flight to UK tomorrow. I am so glad that we gave we gave ourselves 4 days before the big NZ flight. We do still however have to negotiate the delays and back log of Heathrow airport and there is more snow forecast in both UK and Ireland, so we not be going anywhere for a while....patience is a virtue. BORING!!

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