We woke up to snow in Cork! Mostly I would be very happy about this fact, but we needed to get on our rescheduled flight, but I needn't have worried, it was melting by the time we left for the airport. We had our picture taken again at departures....not quite so exciting second time around but it was all go go go and we made it to UK just 24 hr later than planned. There was quite a camaradre between all of us lost souls from the cancelled night before!
Lots of snow in Essex, me, mike and yola (the NZ 3) just had to head out after dinner for a snowy adventure through Danbury up to the church yard in a bright moon filled night. we made it back home to my parents at midnight, cold but happy with lots of snowy blips - Yola is about to sign up (hopefully). The church yard was fantastic in the night light, still, crisp and chilly.
This is Hubs' link to our/ his NZ roadie blog.

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