
By Cumbrialass

Wide and wet

This is my blip for Wide Wed... water .
The water in the photo shouldn't be there as it's a road. It's been flooded now for quite a number of days. The road goes under the railway bridge . There are 2 drains but the pipes below must be too narrow as they cant cope with the amount of rain we've had. 

We managed a detour, swinging round a fence and then  walked up to the sea wall The weather wasnt too bad... quite cold and still a bit windy  but after the last few days..better.

I finally got the car washed.. everytime I thought about taking it to the car wash it rained. They do a good job.. and certainly worth £6. . I suppose that means it will rain tomorrow. Lol.

Fletch woke up happy and hungry this  morning and enjoyed his two walks today. Fingers crossed he is still ok, tomorrow.

A new pack of knitting wool arrived! 
I'm a bit addicted to knitting at the moment
My niece is pregnant so I must ask her if she'd like something knitted for the babe. Isn't that the role for Great Aunts! Gosh doesnt that make me sound old. 

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