
Cold.. still but sunny. 
Channelside walk. Almost looked summer like if you ignore the fact that it was only 2 degrees but most of the yachts are out of the water... a sign of winter.

I've come to the conclusion that I could never be a bank robber. I'd my hood up and my hat down low and my scarf covering my face up to my eyes  when a  voice said ' Is that Mrs S....?"

   An ex pupil recognised me! Not sure how! Lol ( this isnt the first time I've been recognise even though my face has been covered! )
Anyway it was lovely to chat and always gratifying that an ex pupil would be happy to chat  rather than completely ignore me. Lol 

Good news to hear my younger brothers are getting their Covid jab this week. Sad news that going away and meeting up with them may be quite a long time in the fact going anywhere may not be for a while,  but I'm trying not to think about this.

Stay safe everyone . Thamk you for the stars and hearts .. always appreciated x

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