
By seddon


I was up afew times over night and tried to start the day at 5am. Mummy didn't let me, but I did have some cuddles with daddy before he went to work.
Me and mummy took Thomas to school, he was excited to give his valentines cards out, and he got a card and present from daisy.
This morning mummy took me to playgroup at St Marks. She had been told about playgroup when we went to vote in December, but this was the first chance we've had to go! We enjoyed playgroup, I liked crawling round exploring lots of the toys. We met afew babies and mummy sat talking to their mummys for a while. At snack time they brought round toast and crumpets. Mummy wasn't sure whether they'd have a suitable snack for me so she had brought me some fruit puffs. I ate those, but then the lady who runs playgroup came round with crumpets and told mummy that they were dairy free. I spied the crumpets and pointed, nodded and said 'that'. So I had a crumpet too!
After playgroup we went to grandma and grandads house for lunch. I ate a full piece of seeded bread, some tomatoes, cucumber and lots of chicken.
After dinner I practiced my walking between mummy and grandma (very grudgingly!) and managed a whole step all by myself. Just! Mummy left me with grandma and grandad and went to pick thomas up from school early to go to the dentist. It took them ages because the dentist was running behind, there's nothing major wrong with his teeth - he's got a bit of a wobbly tooth, but nothing serious.
Mummy and Thomas came to collect me and we all went home to see daddy and have some tea.

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