
By seddon

Snotty and snoozy

Another night with afew wake ups and another morning in mummy and daddy's bed. I am very snotty and snuffly today.
Day went to work and me, mummy and Thomas had a lazy morning watching TV.
Me and mummy had a shower before dinner (I really needed a wash because I was covered in snot!)
At dinner I was very tired - I managed to eat all of it without falling asleep, just! After a 10 minute power nap, me and Thomas played with my toys, until grandma and grandad came to pick thomas up to go and watch ice hockey.
Daddy came home from work and I practiced some walking holding one of his hands. He tried to get me walking on my own but I just kept sitting down!
I was ready for bed at about 5.30pm, after a day of coughing and sneezing, but mummy and daddy made me stay up till 7. Thomas still wasn't home to say goodnight, so I'll have to give him extra snuggles tomorrow morning.

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