The rest of forever...

By DrMac


It may only be Tuesday but there are some sleepy bunnies in this house. I couldn't sleep last night and was still awake long after Mum and Dad went to bed. I'd got tucked up at 9pm and was still looking at the clock at midnight. Four forty-five arrived and it was a bit of a shock.

Anyway, I hit the gym and did a monster intervals session which I LOVED! Definitely my favourite sessions of the week. School was hectic, so much crammed in at the moment it feels insane. I love it, mind you.

Home late, dog walk in the deep snow on the fields. Dinner - brown shrimp, pak choi, asparagus and broccoli - so yummy. Wrote the SEF for Teaching and Learning, proof read work for Heads of Department, wrote some QA reports and then noticed the girls snoozing beside me. Lottie looks so peaceful.

Off to London tomorrow for a series of meetings and then an interview for the Company of Educators. Very prestigious, hope I manage to impress them and they decide to nominate me for membership. Keep your fingers crossed. It's going to be a late one, not due home until way passed my bedtime. And no birthday lie in either, I have my gym session to hit!! ;0)

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