Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Storm Dennis?

Archie's new walkers were to come today (Elizabeth had changed her day to Sunday). But it didn’t look too good with Storm Dennis due to arrive. However, in the morning, we looked out, and it was dry. By 10am it was still dry, so Mary and her husband came for their first Archie walk. 

JR, who had been to the gym, accompanied them to make sure all was well. It was. They were familiar with the walk because they used to take Bailey there. JR came home and left them to carry on to the cafe and back. I got a text from JR to pick her up at the duck pond. Only, in her haste, she did not write 'duck'...

Anyway, they all came back quite a while later (I always worry if they're a bit longer than anticipated) declaring it a success. They stayed for a cuppa, Archie had a quick bath, then lay steaming by the fire to dry off.

While they were all away, I did half an hour on the bike, then some 'Chair Yoga'. I just discovered this! Why has nobody told me about all the exercise videos on You Tube that you can follow while sitting on a chair. They're excellent and usually have at least a couple of people demonstrating different ways of doing the movement, depending on your mobility. I shall certainly keep that up!

I like using the wide angle lens, though Archie looks slightly crazed...

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