Helping Ann work = big long walk!

Those of you who follow our Blips regularly will know that my very lovely owner Ann is a 'Meet & Greeter'. Ie, she meets visitors who are staying in short term lets in Edinburgh, gives them the keys to the property and explains how things work. She loves her job because she is naturally nosey and likes looking round other peoples houses it works really well with looking after me. Sometimes like today, she does 'extra missions'.

Her 'extra mission' today involved........................ going to the office in town to pick up some key forbs, going to a property and attaching the key forbs to the keys that were inside the property and the keys that live in the lock box, going to the locksmiths and getting an extra set of keys cut, going back to the property to test that the keys worked and then taking the new set of keys to a hotel to have them scanned and put into the 'keynest'.

Normally she doesn't bother signing up for jobs like that because it's too much faffing around. But today she didn't have anything planned so thought she might as well get paid for taking me on a big long walk. And what a big long walk it was?!!  We walked more than 9 miles whilst trekking around the city today. It still didn't add up to Ann's target of 20,000 steps though?!!

I was very, very, tired when I came home from helping Ann work. I gobbled up my breakfast (which I hadn't bothered to eat earlier) and went straight into my bed for a snooze. I was on my lead for the whole of my big long walk. Ann sometimes thinks that lead walking tires me out more than run about time.

Oh and for the last half hour of the walk it rained and rained and rained and rained. I was sure that Ann would just abandon our big long walk and get the bus home, especially as a No. 23 bus arrived at the bus stop just as we were passing by. But she didn't?! She just said, 'Trixie, we're wet now and we can't get any wetter than wet so we might as well just keep walking.' So we did.

This afternoon Ann went out (to the gym and for a swim if anyone is interested) and I had snooze time in my bed. I was still snoozing when Ann came home and to be honest, I didn't really want to get out of my bed. But Ann made me. She said, 'Trixie, you've not had a wee since 12.30pm yes she's still a bit obsessed with my wee-ing habits so we'll just go for a little trek around the block because once we're in for the evening I'm not going out again until it's time for your bedtime wee. Guess what?! It was absolutely pouring with rain AGAIN so we both got soaked AGAIN.

Not going anywhere else tonight. Ann's just put my dinner out for me but I can't be bothered to eat it. I'm back in my bed having another snooze.

Happy Tuesday Evening Blippers xxx

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