Not another ferry!

A cold and gloomy day - not a great one for photography. I was waiting in the car on North Pier while Mrs M went to a shop, and saw the 'Isle of Mull' coming in through the haze, so of course I had to take a picture!

I bet there are not many Blippers who can say that they had a long chat in the supermarket with David Livingstone! At least I presume not. David is one, I think, of our three honorary Photo Club members, tho' he hasn't attended for many years. I tried to persuade him to come back, especially as he lives just round the corner from where we now hold our meetings and doesn't even have to pay, but he wouldn't commit himself.  I often bump into him around the harbour with his camera.

Belated Quote of the day:

Daniel Farson, 'Never a Normal Man' - "Beware of pity for you become pitiable."

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