(Fac) 51

This has, up until now, been a little bit of an ill-fated trip. Originally it was supposed to be me, the Minx, Dan, Abi, and the miniMinx. However, in an unprecedented organisational lapse, the Minx had double-booked herself. And then Dan opted to attend an NYO Inspire event, which is what I dropped him off for, yesterday.

Hannah and Milly decided to come along as there was plenty of room at the accommodation we'd booked but then, this morning, Milly's fear of flying kicked in, so in the end it was me, Abi, and Hannah who assembled at Manchester airport to catch the plane to Eindhoven. 

And, actually, it worked out really well. I can't remember the last time this little combination of our family did something together but Hannah and Abi are great company and, crucially for today, masters at hanging out. We had a couple of hours at Costa in the airport, the flight itself, getting through customs at the other end, and an Uber ride to the house we'd booked through AirBnB.

We unpacked, made ourselves at home, and then caught an Uber with the same driver back to town for a meal. We jokingly inferred from this that there aren't many Uber drivers in Eindhoven but we might have been closer to the truth than we thought as there were none available after our meal. But Hannah used Maps to find us an appropriate bus and we caught that home, which was far more exciting than taking a cab.

-9.9 kgs
Reading: 'The Sound Of Tomorrow' by Mark Brend

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