
I must admit to feeling mildly anxious, travelling without the Minx; she normally organises everything for our trips. And I don't just mean that in terms of arranging what we're going to do in advance but actually on the day, too. 

So I felt kind of grown-up, today, sorting things out for myself, as well as Hannah and Abi, of course. We took an Uber to the station, I had a mild flap about whether it was the right station, and then we bought some breakfast before taking the double-decker train to Amsterdam, which was a very pleasant hour and a quarter. 

The Minx had actually made us a list of places to see and visit, so we started off with the house with the narrowest façade, not much wider than a door and so thin that we actually walked passed it, and went on to the 'skinny bridge', which was - in its first incarnation - built by two sisters. My photo today is two sisters on the bridge!

We also saw the houses that represent seven difference countries, walked several miles and had plenty of stops for drinks and snacks. It was a great day out. In the evening we ate in Eindhoven at Happy Italy, which was absolutely full and on a Monday night, too. But the food was great and my Extra is of two happy daughters waiting for their food. 

No scales
Reading: 'The Sound Of Tomorrow' by Mark Brend

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