Rodents rule

By squirk

Watching the robin

The robin didn't go near him.

A bit of a non day feeling tired with a headache, but off days are what comes with all the good ones and Juno kept me company. I walked to the garden centre in West Dulwich but stopped when I saw a lady in front of me turn in disappointment. It was shut. Boo. We agreed that the silver lining was the saving of money. True.

Until I headed into Cook over the road where I bought a nice dinner, only to realise at home that it was cook by microwave or defrost it overnight before cooking it in a pan. I don't have a microwave, so tomorrow's dinner will be posh and not cooked by me. I opted for something from a tin instead while catching the end of the rugby. 

I FaceTimed dad in time to see his birthday cake being lit. Apart from the dreich weather, he and mum are in fine form and Rory is back to being out and about. Happy Birthday, Dad!

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