Crepe Myrtle........

Spring isn't far away, here in Florida.  We are getting very cold fronts come through for a day or 2, and then 3-5 days of high 70's and low 80's.  The days are getting longer, the sun is higher and hotter.
      But there is another clue out there, as well.    Every where's one turns there are work crews trimming the Oaks of weak and dead branches.            Todays Blip is a Crepe Myrtle.   Late winter, the  crews trim the Myrtles back, hard.  Each tree is trimmed back to where they were trimmed, the winter before. 
 It amazes me, every year, that the trees come back and flourish very well.  When I see the newly trimmed I always wish them well, for I fear one or more, will fail to sprout and die.

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