Stalking & rolling in fox poo

Sooooooo.................... first thing this morning I only went for a little trek around the block for toileting purposes. BUT that means that I'm going on a longer walk after breakfast. Yay!!!

We went up the hill and then down through the 'Hermitage of Braid'. It's one of my most favourite walks.

This is me in 'stalking/checking out the opposition' mode. I'd spotted a dog walker with six dogs and I wasn't sure whether they wanted to play with me. I always go into this position if I'm unsure about what's happening.

Today only the Black Lab and a little terrier type dog wanted to play with me. But that was OK because after all how many friends does one need on a walk??

This afternoon I went for a stroll through the grounds of the 'Royal Ed' hospital. And guess what I found?.......................... Fox poo to roll in. Yay! When we got home I got 'washed' in some sort of dry shampoo foamy stuff. I tried to escape but Ann wasn't having any of it. She said, 'Trixie, you stink!!!' And then she held onto my collar and rubbed a lot of foamy stuff into my fur. Grrrrr......

And then Ann went out for three hours and I had snooze time in my bed. And when she came home she said, 'Trixie, you still stink'. And she rubbed some more foamy stuff into my fur??!!!

My dinner's been out for me for a couple of hours but a big long walk in the morning and rolling around in fox poo in the afternoon has made me very tired, so I'm just chillaxing in my bed. (See extras).


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