Here we go again – Day 52

Another cemetery BLIP. Oh dear, sometimes Ann really does choose morbid places for us to walk. Her latest project is visiting all the cemeteries in Edinburgh. Today we went to 'Grange Cemetery.' It was actually quite interesting. For my human, not me. Apparently there are a lot of famous Edinburgh people buried there and they even had leaflets at the entrance detailing where to find the graves.

It was actually quite creepy though. We walked around the cemetery at about 10am and we didn't see one single other person. And what Ann didn't like was the number of people who had died young. Ie, younger than her. ...............Well it's not like walking around a cemetery is going to be full of joy is it???

Oh well, ho hum, it is what it is I suppose. This afternoon I went to the park to play with my ball so I'm totally, utterly and completely exhausted now.


Morningside Cemetery

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