Made in Suffolk

That was the title of the exhibition in Christchurch Mansion - Carole’s house is right by the park entrance so we called in this morning. Carole is the councillor responsible for the museum and this has been a very successful exhibition which started when Ed Sheehan played his concerts in Ipswich in the summer. His dad was curator at Dulwich Art Gallery and contributed a lot. His GCSE art work which included drawings of an exhibit at the museum was on show, as were some beautiful photographs from his concerts. Also a bronze of him and his brother when they were tiny was shown - and a box of his Lego. His school report card for music was there and his handwritten notes of the lyrics for Castle on the Hill. How quickly his fame came.

We went to see Dennis this afternoon. He was napping and seemed tired. I do hope they don’t put off the op again.

I had time to contact only one friend who I met for a catch up. She was an inspirational headteacher of a “challenging” high school, and now is caring for her husband who has had 2 stem cell transplants due to cancer, and now has dementia.

It’s all been very full on. Carole and her partner have gone to childmind Dennis’s son’s children. We’ll get an early night and hit the long road north after breakfast.

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