In the Trailer

Started the day with a trip to see if I could get my car air conditioning fixed. Turns out the cabin filter is blocked, and they need to order one in. So instead the girls and I went to a play ground we haven't been to before. It was super dooper. The slide was a huge tube slide that went down the side of a hill. I couldn't resist having a turn, but having declared to the kids that I was going down it, I then nearly bottled it when looking down the tube. It was a long way! I managed to make sparks from static electricity on the way down. It had a cool flying fox and other apparatus too. Definitely one to revisit!

In the afternoon, the girls decided that they wanted to go to the Ardmore Airport cafe. It's a little airport, and close to where Grandma and Daddad live, so we called in on the way, and picked up Grandma to join us for a coffee. Daddad was busy setting up the King Ferns that he is moving from their old house, so we left him hard at work.

When we got back, he was ready to clear out the rented trailer to return it, so the girls "helped". They got themselves a ride in the back of the trailer back up to the house, which made them giddy with laughter. It was really nice. to do. See you in a while!

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