What's Te Mata?

Off on an early start today, and we made it down to Hastings by 1pm, it was lovely to have not much traffic on the way, only slow downs were road works, which NZ seems overly fond of.

A bit of a grey mystical day, so after getting the tent up (50 minutes this time), we hit some of the sights. Up Te Mata Peak, to almost be blown off it. From up there our view was nothing like it normally is, due to low cloud. Amazing the contrasts of the green of the vineyards and the blond grass.

After freezing the girls up there, we went down to play at Cornwall Park, which is such a fantastic playground. The girls defrosted enough to play in the water play zone there. Unfortunately, by the time we left there, Rush Munro Ice Cream Parlour had closed for the day, so we had to go and get a container of it from the supermarket...deal is, when in Hawkes Bay, have to eat Rush Munro at least once a day.

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