Tiny Spider
This tiny spider, about half the size of my little fingernail, was motionless in the middle of her beautifully constructed web stretched between 'teeth' on a blue agave plant. I didn't see her at first as I tried to get an interesting picture of the agave, but she showed up through the long lens with the sun highlighting her stripey legs. I gently sprayed a little water in hopes of highlighting her web and that got her moving. She scurried around collecting bits and pieces caught in her web and wrapped them up in neat little packages. (First extra). Then she started consolidating the smaller packages into larger ones. That's her in the center of the second extra wrapping herself around her newly created package. I suspect she is going to eat the contents of her packages, but I feel like wrapping my arms around my family and staying motionless in the middle of the house. No way, of course, would any of them put up with that....nor would it do anything to change things.
The daily count of people in the county infected with Covid-19 that appears in the newspaper is bad enough. Worse yet is the fact that we voted by mail last week for a candidate who is no longer running for president, effectively canceling our vote. There are no 'do-overs'.There's a certain irony in the fact that our ballots were too big to fit into the part of our mailbox that gives access to our postman, and we had to take them to one of the few public boxes left in town....
It all left me with a sort of uneasy feeling of frustration and
anxiety. The number of things over which we have absolutely no control seems to be adding up at a geometric rate...
A turn around the garden in summerlike temperatures was a nice antidote. It's amazing how many tiny things can be hiding under every leaf...or in some cases in plain sight, just so small that they take a view through a camera lens to show up. There's a metaphor here somewhere....
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