Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb

Shivering Sunset

A bit brighter today and, with the wind abating somewhat, it didn't feel quite so cold. However, it still wasn't a day for hanging around too long outside taking blips.

By late afternoon I decided to take a run over to the east end of the beach to see if the sun might throw up some colours as it disappeared over the horizon. Unfortunately, there was no spectacular show, although the high clouds did turn pink for a short time, while the lower ones remained dark and threatening.

I had hoped one of the seagulls at the water's edge might take off and fly into shot. Instead most just flew away from me leaving three of them strutting their stuff in the shallow water. Might be worth a look in LARGE to see them better.

Local camera club tonight when we will be commenting on members slides on the subject of "Weather". Certainly no lack of material in these parts recently!!

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