Only photo I took today.

Run in with a stupid woman riding her horse on a footpath. She popped out of the hedge in front of me and one of the off lead dogs ran at her. Her horse thankfully didn't spook. I apologised and said I didn't know it was a bridleway (it isn't) or none of the dogs would be off the lead. She admitted it wasn't a bridleway but said the farmer knew she rides around his fields. Then she laid into me saying I would cause an accident blah blah and every time she rides there she has issues with dogs. (So don't keep bloody riding there then?!). I purposely don't walk dogs off lead anywhere there is livestock but what can you do when they turn up on the footpaths as well?! Keep the dog on the lead at all times I suppose just in case?! Anyway left me feeling shitty on what would have been a lovely sunny day.

Tonight we had tickets for David Walliams' Billionaire Boy in Leicester. We got it for Toby's bday treat. It was really good. The kids were howling with laughter.

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