Riding lessons

Riding lessons - Toby fell off whilst I'd just popped up to the barn to make up the feeds. Not sure what happened but think he just got unbalanced and Jack stopped and he popped off over his shoulder. He wasn't hurt and got straight back on. Good lad.

Jack was a superstar for Eva but she got moany and seemed to be in a bad mood. Bit of an attitude problem today. Toby was being a helpful big brother and leading the way running round the school but this seemed to make her even more grumpy! Think she realised she'd behaved badly afterwards as she was weepy and clingy with me (without actually going so far as to apologise!) Poor Jack was a bit confused as all he wants to do is please.

I had a lesson on Buddy with Ruth afterwards. Had one of those light bulb moment lessons - recognising how much Buddy leads me into reinforcing his wonkiness and falling in to the right by my position. Instead of using my left hand to keep him out on the track, Ruth encouraged me to push my left hand forward and my right elbow back. Kind of the opposite to what i instinctively do. But what a difference! Also need to keep my wrists flat as I tend to curl them inwards. She said to imagine a torch beam coming from the backs of my hands and to make sure it is always pointing forward, not crossing over. And best of all by the time I'd finished and taken Bud back to the field, Mike and the kids had done all the jobs including the poo picking. Result!

When I'm riding I can forget for half an hour that I've got cancer. I'm so so lucky to have the horses. And so lucky to have a very amazing husband who isn't horsey but does all he can to help so riding is still manageable. Thanks Mr EG. You're brill xxx

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