
My third daughter, Izzy, was born at the pretty much perfect time to be a film lover, which she did indeed turn out to be. A couple of years before she was born in 1995, Disney had turned a creative and entertainment corner with 'Beauty and the Beast', thus commencing a straight run into 'Alladin', 'The Muppet Christmas Carol', 'The Lion King', 'Pocahontas', and 'Toy Story', the last of which introduced the tremendous pantheon of Pixar movies. And then there were all the Aardman Animation films, too. 

Arguably, of course, she became such a lover of films precisely because of all of the great movies that were around when she was small but I think there was more to it than that. There was something in her ability to mimic the characters and memorise entire scenes that spoke of a deeper love for the medium. (To this day, she is the queen of the perfectly timed Disney quote, usually delivered in the appropriate voice.)

This evening, the Minx and I went to watch 'Dark Water' - v good, would recommend - and we saw the trailer for the new live action version of 1998's 'Mulan', which was a particular favourite of Izzy's. She's back in the UK at the end of this month, just before the film is released, so on the way home this evening I arranged with her that we'd go and see it together. She's up for it, of course. I can't wait!

-9.7 kgs
(Not really) reading: 'The Sound Of Tomorrow' by Mark Brend

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