Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Torture Week 2

Today was my second Body Street session (that seemed to come round quickly!) And I’m sure it was tougher than last time. Another client was there too, a young lady who sits at a computer all day and gets a sore back, she finds this helps. Both of us were going at the same time, and that was quite fun, as we were both quite vocal. I find it helps.

I walked there and got the bus back home, as it was due. Besides, it had started to mizzle by then, and our pal Mary from the gym was visiting. Archie would only sit beside her when she had some treats.

I was rather tired after my exertions, and so declined the offer of going up the hill with Archie and JR. Instead, I relaxed on the sofa and snoozed listened to my audio book.

My arthritic left wrist, which has been quite nippy of late, has been getting more and more troublesome. Today I can barely use that hand. I need one of those magic injections ASAP, so I’ll go and see the doc tomorrow. At least it's fixable.

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