Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


Gym for us both in the morning, and talk of it closing possibly this week or next. 

Bitterly cold today, but I only went round to the shop to get some milk. I met Goose, the wee daschund from across the road. I should have taken a photo of him. So cute - he'd found a bit of banana and was gobbling it up, but it could have been worse, the stuff that the local school kids drop. 

Seren, the vet student came to take Archie for a big walk. She hasn’t been well, poor wee soul. It must be hard being sick when away from home for the first time. Students are worried about the universities closing, though lectures can be online, but practicals would have to be delayed, and maybe the term extended.

JR went into town to look for a new bag. A 'tote bag', I’m told. She eventually returned with the ideal one. She took out all the stuffing and Archie had fun with it. Who's going to tidy it up, Arch?

(Answer: The person who left it there within his reach...)

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