Photos from A Field

By RandallFriesen

Could the day get any stranger?

The day here unfolded by news clips. Each new update brought a more serious response from our governments.

Don’t travel, no gatherings of more that 250, schools closed two weeks, work from home, the stock exchange has the biggest one day decrease ever, don’t leave the country. Each report brought more and more the sense of the surreal.

One of our church families is in quarantine, our daughter is in quarantine and growing impatient. Church trips in plans for two years, do we cancel them?

So that’s been my day. A series of meetings trying to manage what this looks like for a church. All day long. Trying to find some Purell hand sanitizer or antibacterial wipes and they are all gone. Nothing left.

Do we cancel worship then? Are we over reacting or are we properly reacting. It’s all leadership stuff. We will only provide confidence if we’ve thought these things through and are seen to be taking appropriate steps.

So yeah. Long day. It was about 4 pm when I was hungry and realized I hadn’t eaten yet.
I went home and had some supper with Lauralea and tonight we are playing some games.

Who knows what tomorrow will bring.

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