If in doubt...

Eat cake!!!

A weird day. B noticed that one of my tyres looked a bit low this morning, just before I was due to set off to collect a friend to go to sewing.

He pumped up all 4 tyres, and then I found that the engine wouldn’t start!!! The car was parked behind B’s so we had push it back and to one side to allow B to take us in his car to sewing.

Things improved when we got there. Out of the 10 of us present 4 are nurses and 1 paramedic, only one still working. As you can imagine the initial topic of conversation was ‘the virus’. Myths dispelled, no nonsense or rubbish accepted .... follow the advice!!! Conversation moved on to more productive subjects :0)

We had a great session of creating and sharing, laughter and cake !!!

B collected me early to go to the fundraiser for the ‘hedgehog’ people. I had a coffee and a quick look round, before joining B and Amber for her afternoon walk. I haven’t seen her manic park circuits for a while, but she certainly appears to be enjoying herself.

Ps on my car. The engine started when tried later. Thoughts are that the battery objected to being used to pump up the tyres and that I’m not doing enough longer journeys to keep it charged up.

This ‘aged vulnerable soul’ (not my description) still has enough strength to push a car!!!!

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