By lizzie_birkett

Just Filling The Days...

...as many of us Blippers are doing just now. I'm looking for subjects around the house to Blip.

This burr wood sphere was made by a friend of ours - Steve Pickering - for my 60th birthday (nearly 6 years ago). I loved it as soon as I saw it and have treasured it ever since. It has pride of place on the mantlepiece.
This quite heavy ball of wood looks like a planet and is very tactile as it is so smooth.

Steve is a very talented artist and also a furniture restorer in Dumfries. 

Today I heard that the grandchildren's school is closed which I think is a relief to the parents some of whom can work from home.
The only place I went today was the post office in the village to get stamps so we can write to the grandkids and hopefully it will give them something to do writing back to us.

I spent some time chatting on the phone to Sue - sister, Christel - our previous elderly next door neighbour in Dumfries and Sabrina - daughter. I don't need to say what the topic of conversation was!
I was also messaging my son Marc yesterday and today. He's started a new job and was telling me about it.

As I can't go into town just now I ordered lots of things on line today. Birthday presents for Amelia - a set of puzzle books to put with some little silver heart earrings which arrived today. 2 big bags of dog food,
2 flowering blackcurrant bushes, some hair dye and some Kalms! Other people are panic buying loo rolls :-D

We decided not to go to dog school...just in case.

Hope everyone is OK.

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